Pakistan will not default!

 Ever since Pakistan came into existence, there have been news about the default of the country, the only difference is that earlier foreigners used to make predictions about the default of Pakistan, today the rulers, politicians and journalists of their own country are spreading such despair. are According to the official reserve of Pakistan, if Pakistan could not make payments on time, who will take the reserves of Pakistan which are not ours, and if Pakistan defaults, then the countries and banks that have given loans to Pakistan will return their money. The hope of meeting will also end, but unless Pakistan defaults, at least there will be hope that the loan installment can be returned.

According to the news, Pakistan has 6 months time to repay the loan installment, which is not a short time. Obviously, Pakistan is one of the top 30 major economic powers in the world. We cannot compare ourselves with Sri Lanka as it exports textiles and warm clothes, clothing, leather jackets, shoes, beverages, vinegar, spirits, sugar, salt, cement, stone and many more.

Have the ruling and opposition parties, who are actively claiming default about Pakistan, brought simplicity in their lifestyle? Did MPs, MNEs and Ministers who were drawing huge salaries refuse to collect their salaries?

Would the anchors and analysts/politicians who sat on TV all day predicting Pakistan's default explain how Pakistan is defaulting? Taxes were imposed on the people beyond the conditions of the IMF, then why is the economic condition of Pakistan said to have reached the ICU? If Pakistan is going to default, God willing, why is there no discussion on solving the problems to save it, while the controlling authorities are not censoring the news of default on the media, because such news would have lost the confidence of the investors and also the stock market. Worried about crashing? After understanding all these things, you will also say that Pakistan will not default!

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